Thursday, January 19, 2012


Where the information  came from.
Anderson, Dale. Ancient China. Chicago, Illinois: Raintree, 2005. Print.
Art in Books, Suzanne Stauss. The Story of Ancient China. Lincon MA: Pemblewick Press, 2001. Print.
Cotterell, Arthur. Ancient China- Eyewitness Bokks. New York:  Dk Pub , 2005. Print.
“Eastern Zhou Dynasty Western Zhou Dynasty.”‌. The British Musuem , n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2012. <‌staff/‌time/‌resources.html>.
Hall, Elanor J. Ancient Chinese dynasties . San Diego: Lucent Books, 2000. Print.
“The Western Zhou Dynasty.” :// N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2012. <‌hst261/‌02.westernzhou.html>. picture

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